I’m Lucy, a UK-based freelance writer and editor.
At 5:30 pm one day in June 2020, I packed up my metaphorical box of desk bits, and left my job. As of 5:31 pm, I became a self-employed freelance writer and editor.
I freelanced in 2017 during my Master’s but stopped, thinking I couldn’t make it work. I stowed away in an office for two years, building up experience in marketing with roles in the live arts sector and the inferno that is agency-side advertising.
Then, in June 2020, with everything going remote, I picked up my freelance harness, curious to scratch a three-year-old itch, and tried again.
Which is what leads you, and me, here. I’m a dedicated writer with a wealth of experience in long- and short-form content writing and an eye for pesky errors.